Help: Stressors

05 To Add References to a Prototypical Stressor


List of the literature that was cited for this prototypical stressor.

01 To Create a New Prototypical Stressor


Chemical name selected from established chemical ontologies or, depending on the information available, this could also refer to chemical categories (i.e., groups of chemicals with defined structural features known to trigger the MIE).  It can also include non-chemical prototypical stressors such as genetic or environmental factors.

Handbook Entry

Prototypical Stressor ID

Each prototypical stressor is automatically given a numerical identifier when it is created.

04 To Edit Prototypical Stressor Info Text Sections

Prototypical Stressor Info

Text sections under this subheading include the Chemical/Category Description and Characterization of Exposure.

Chemical/Category Description

To edit the "Chemical/Category Description” section, on a KER page, in the upper right hand menu, click ‘Edit.’ This brings you to a page entitled, “Editing Prototypical Stressor.”  Scroll down to the “Chemical/Category Description” section, where a text entry box allows you to submit text. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes and return to the Prototypical Stressor page.  The new text should appear under the “Chemical/Category Description”  section on the page.

Characterization of Exposure

To edit the “Characterization of Exposure” section, on a Prototypical Stressor page, in the upper right hand menu, click ‘Edit.’ This brings you to a page entitled, “Editing Prototypical Stressor.”  Scroll down to the “Characterization of Exposure”  section, where a text entry box allows you to submit text. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes and return to the Prototypical Stressor page.  The new text should appear under the “Characterization of Exposure” section on the page.

02 To Edit Prototypical Stressor Overview


A structured data field that can be used to annotate an AOP with standardized terms identifying prototypical stressors known to trigger the MIE(s)/AOP.

Handbook Entry

AOPs Including this Prototypical Stressor

This table is automatically generated and lists the AOPs associated with this prototypical stressor.

Events Including this Prototypical Stressor

This table is automatically generated and lists the Key Events (KEs) associated with this prototypical stressor.


A list of chemicals associated with a prototypical stressor.

03 To View Evidence for this Prototypical Stressor

AOP Evidence

This table is automatically generated and includes the AOPs with this associated prototypical stressor as well as the evidence term and evidence text from this AOP prototypical stressor.

Event Evidence

This table is automatically generated and includes the events with this associated prototypical stressor as well as the evidence text from this event prototypical stressor.

06 Other Prototypical Stressor Information

Prototypical Stressor Comments and Discussion

See here for further instructions on how to comment and contribute to discussion.

View Prototypical Stressor History

To view detailed changes to an AOP, KE, KER, or Prototypical Stressor page, click 'View History' on the upper right hand panel menu on the page. You will be brought to a page entitled "Versions of [AOP/KE/KER/Prototypical Stressor:#]" listing text changes to the AOP/KE/KER/Prototypical Stressor by date.

To compare two versions, select the versions you would like to compare using the "from" and "to" buttons.  Click 'Compare.' You will be brought to a page showing the comparison of the two versions. If you are a contributor to this AOP, you can also click 'revert to this version' at the bottom of the page to revert to a previous version of an AOP/KE/KER/Prototypical Stressor.

The Change log lists all changes to an AOP/KE/KER/Prototypical Stressor including text changes, the date and the user who made the change.

Prototypical Stressor Watch list

The Watch List provides a list of individual AOP, KE, KER, or Prototypical Stressor that a user is currently watching, similar to Bookmarks on an internet browser.

To add a page to the Watch List, navigate to the indivdual AOP, KE, KER, or Prototypical Stressor page and in the upper right hand navigation menu, click 'Watch.' To remove a page from the Watch List, click 'Watch' to unselect the check box.