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Event: 2280

Key Event Title

A descriptive phrase which defines a discrete biological change that can be measured. More help

Increased delay in heart electrical conduction

Short name
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Prolonged atrioventricular (AV)
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Biological Context

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Level of Biological Organization

Organ term

The location/biological environment in which the event takes place.The biological context describes the location/biological environment in which the event takes place.  For molecular/cellular events this would include the cellular context (if known), organ context, and species/life stage/sex for which the event is relevant. For tissue/organ events cellular context is not applicable.  For individual/population events, the organ context is not applicable.  Further information on Event Components and Biological Context may be viewed on the attached pdf. More help

Key Event Components

The KE, as defined by a set structured ontology terms consisting of a biological process, object, and action with each term originating from one of 14 biological ontologies (Ives, et al., 2017; Biological process describes dynamics of the underlying biological system (e.g., receptor signalling).Biological process describes dynamics of the underlying biological system (e.g., receptor signaling).  The biological object is the subject of the perturbation (e.g., a specific biological receptor that is activated or inhibited). Action represents the direction of perturbation of this system (generally increased or decreased; e.g., ‘decreased’ in the case of a receptor that is inhibited to indicate a decrease in the signaling by that receptor).  Note that when editing Event Components, clicking an existing Event Component from the Suggestions menu will autopopulate these fields, along with their source ID and description.  To clear any fields before submitting the event component, use the 'Clear process,' 'Clear object,' or 'Clear action' buttons.  If a desired term does not exist, a new term request may be made via Term Requests.  Event components may not be edited; to edit an event component, remove the existing event component and create a new one using the terms that you wish to add.  Further information on Event Components and Biological Context may be viewed on the attached pdf. More help

Key Event Overview

AOPs Including This Key Event

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AOP Name Role of event in AOP Point of Contact Author Status OECD Status
Increased M2 receptor leading to Arrhythmia KeyEvent Young Jun Kim (send email) Under development: Not open for comment. Do not cite
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), arrhythmias KeyEvent Young Jun Kim (send email) Under development: Not open for comment. Do not cite

Taxonomic Applicability

Latin or common names of a species or broader taxonomic grouping (e.g., class, order, family) that help to define the biological applicability domain of the KE.In many cases, individual species identified in these structured fields will be those for which the strongest evidence used in constructing the AOP was available in relation to this KE. More help

Life Stages

An indication of the the relevant life stage(s) for this KE. More help

Sex Applicability

An indication of the the relevant sex for this KE. More help

Key Event Description

A description of the biological state being observed or measured, the biological compartment in which it is measured, and its general role in the biology should be provided. More help

Prolonged atrioventricular (AV) conduction time, also referred to as first-degree AV block, occurs when there is an abnormal delay in the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles via the AV node or the His-Purkinje system. This delay is characterized by a longer-than-normal PR interval on an electrocardiogram (ECG), typically exceeding 200 milliseconds in adults.

How It Is Measured or Detected

A description of the type(s) of measurements that can be employed to evaluate the KE and the relative level of scientific confidence in those measurements.These can range from citation of specific validated test guidelines, citation of specific methods published in the peer reviewed literature, or outlines of a general protocol or approach (e.g., a protein may be measured by ELISA). Do not provide detailed protocols. More help

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Findings

Prolonged PR Interval: >200 ms (in adults), reflecting delayed conduction through the AV node.

Normal P-wave to QRS relationship: Every P wave is followed by a QRS complex.

Holter Monitoring

Used to evaluate intermittent or progressive AV conduction abnormalities.

Electrophysiology Study (EPS)

Provides detailed mapping of conduction pathways for diagnostic clarification in complex cases.

Blood Tests

Evaluate potential reversible causes (e.g., electrolyte levels, thyroid function).

Electrophysiological Studies

a. Patch-Clamp Recording

Purpose: Measures ionic currents and action potentials in single AV nodal cells.

Key Measurements:

Action Potential Duration (APD): Prolonged APD can contribute to delayed conduction.

Ion Currents:

Calcium Current (ICa): Reduced L-type Ca²⁺ channel activity delays depolarization in the AV node.

Potassium Currents (IK): Altered repolarization currents (e.g., delayed rectifier K⁺ currents) may slow conduction.

Funny Current (If): Dysfunctional pacemaker currents may indirectly affect conduction timing.

Application: Provides detailed insights into the contribution of ion channel dysfunction to conduction delay.

Microelectrode Studies

Purpose: Measures transmembrane potentials in tissue slices or isolated nodal regions.

Key Features:

Detects conduction delay between atrial and ventricular regions.

Identifies specific regions within the AV node where delay occurs.

Optical Mapping

Purpose: Visualizes electrical activity across cardiac tissue at the cellular level.

Key Method:

Use voltage-sensitive dyes to record changes in membrane potential.

Tracks conduction velocity across the AV node and surrounding regions.

Application: Identifies areas of delayed conduction or functional block in the AV node.

Molecular and Cellular Analysis

a. Ion Channel Expression Studies

Purpose: Assesses the expression and function of ion channels critical for AV node conduction.

Key Techniques:

qPCR and Western Blot: Quantify the expression of ion channels like:

L-type Ca²⁺ channels (Cav1.2): Key for depolarization in AV node cells.

HCN Channels: Contribute to pacemaker activity.

Potassium Channels (e.g., Kv, Kir): Involved in repolarization.

Immunostaining: Localizes ion channels in AV nodal cells.

Relevance: Reduced expression or dysfunction of these channels correlates with conduction delays.

b. Connexin Analysis

Purpose: Evaluates gap junction proteins (e.g., Connexin 43, Connexin 45) responsible for cell-to-cell conduction.


Immunohistochemistry or confocal microscopy.

Genetic or pharmacological modulation of connexin function.

Relevance: Decreased gap junction connectivity slows conduction velocity.

Cellular Calcium Handling

Purpose: Measures intracellular calcium transients critical for AV nodal conduction.

Key Method:

Use calcium-sensitive fluorescent dyes (e.g., Fluo-4, Fura-2).

Relevance: Impaired calcium cycling (e.g., reduced Ca²⁺ channel activity) slows depolarization and conduction.

Tissue-Level Functional Studies

AV Node Tissue Slices:

Isolated tissue preparations allow for measurement of conduction delays using extracellular electrodes or optical mapping.

Langendorff-Perfused Hearts:

Enables study of the whole heart, including AV node function, under controlled conditions.

Genetic and Pharmacological Modulation

a. Genetic Models

Knockout or Transgenic Mice: Models with specific ion channel or connexin mutations (e.g., HCN4, Cav1.3) help study the cellular basis of AV conduction delay.

b. Drug Studies

Calcium Channel Blockers (e.g., Verapamil): Induce AV conduction delay to study mechanisms.

Beta-adrenergic Agonists (e.g., Isoproterenol): Test enhancement of AV conduction.

Computational Modeling

Purpose: Simulates ionic currents, action potential propagation, and AV node conduction at the cellular level.

Relevance: Predicts how molecular or cellular changes contribute to prolonged conduction.

Domain of Applicability

A description of the scientific basis for the indicated domains of applicability and the WoE calls (if provided).  More help

Causes of Prolonged AV Conduction Time

  1. Intrinsic Factors

    • Age-related degeneration: Fibrosis or sclerosis of the conduction system.
    • Congenital heart disease: Structural abnormalities affecting conduction pathways.
    • Primary conduction system disease: Diseases like Lev's or Lenegre's disease.
  2. Extrinsic Factors

    • Medications: Drugs that slow AV node conduction, such as:
      • Beta-blockers.
      • Calcium channel blockers (non-dihydropyridines like verapamil and diltiazem).
      • Digoxin.
      • Antiarrhythmics (e.g., amiodarone).
    • Electrolyte imbalances: Hyperkalemia or hypokalemia affecting conduction.
    • Autonomic factors: Increased parasympathetic (vagal) tone.
  3. Cardiac Conditions

    • Ischemic heart disease (e.g., myocardial infarction involving the AV nodal artery).
    • Myocarditis or infiltrative diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis, amyloidosis).
    • Valvular heart disease (e.g., calcification of the mitral or aortic valve).
  4. Systemic Causes

    • Infections such as Lyme disease or Chagas disease.
    • Endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism.

Clinical Presentation

  • Asymptomatic: Often detected incidentally during ECG.
  • Symptomatic (rare):
    • Fatigue.
    • Lightheadedness.
    • Syncope (if associated with progression to higher-degree AV block).


List of the literature that was cited for this KE description. More help

Boyett MR, Honjo H, and Kodama I. "The sinoatrial node, a heterogeneous pacemaker structure." Cardiovascular Research, 2000.

Jalife J, Moe GK. "Factors Controlling Pacemaker Action in Cells of the Sinoatrial Node." Circulation Research, 1965.

Mangoni ME, Nargeot J. "Genesis and regulation of the heart automaticity." Physiological Reviews, 2008.

Lev M, Lenegre J. "Pathology of atrioventricular block." American Heart Journal, 1955.

Antzelevitch, C., & Yan, G.-X. (2016). "J-Wave syndromes expert consensus conference report: Emerging concepts and gaps in knowledge." Heart Rhythm, 13(10), e295–e324.

Choi, B.-R., Ziv, O., & Salama, G. (2023). "Conduction delays across the specialized conduction system of the heart: Revisiting atrioventricular node (AVN) and Purkinje-ventricular junction (PVJ) delays." Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10, 1158480

Markiewicz-Łoskot, G., Kolarczyk, E., Mazurek, B., Łoskot, M., & Szydłowski, L. (2020). "Prolongation of electrocardiographic T wave parameters recorded during the head-up tilt table test as independent markers of syncope severity in children." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6605.

Schwartz, P. J., Ackerman, M. J., Antzelevitch, C., Bezzina, C. R., Borggrefe, M., Cuneo, B. F., & Wilde, A. A. M. (2020). "Inherited cardiac arrhythmias." Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 6(1), 58.

Di Diego, J. M., Patocskai, B., Barajas-Martinez, H., Borbáth, V., Ackerman, M. J., Burashnikov, A., & Antzelevitch, C. (2020). "Acacetin suppresses the electrocardiographic and arrhythmic manifestations of the J wave syndromes." PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0242747.