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Event: 1645
Key Event Title
Wnt ligand stimulation
Short name
Biological Context
Level of Biological Organization |
Molecular |
Cell term
Cell term |
cell |
Organ term
Organ term |
organ |
Key Event Components
Key Event Overview
AOPs Including This Key Event
Taxonomic Applicability
Term | Scientific Term | Evidence | Link |
Homo sapiens | Homo sapiens | High | NCBI |
Life Stages
Life stage | Evidence |
All life stages | Moderate |
Sex Applicability
Term | Evidence |
Unspecific | High |
Key Event Description
Site of action: The site of action for the molecular initiating event is the cell membrane.
WNTs are secreted proteins that contain 22-24 conserved cysteine residues (Foulquier et al., 2018). The WNT molecules consist of molecular families including WNT1, WNT2, WNT2B/WNT13, WNT3, WNT4, WNT5A, WNT5B, WNT6, WNT7A, WNT7B, WNT8A, WNT8B, WNT10B, WNT11 and WNT16. (Clevers & Nusse, 2012; Katoh, 2001; Kusserow et al., 2005)
Wnt proteins consists of 350-400 amino acids (Saito-Diaz et al., 2013).
WNT ligands are known to trigger at least three different downstream signaling cascades including canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling pathway, non-canonical WNT/Ca2+ pathway and planer cell polarity (PCP) pathway(De, 2011; Lai, Chien, & Moon, 2009; Willert & Nusse, 2012). WNTs bind to Frizzled proteins, which are seven-pass transmembrane receptors with an extracellular N-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Bhanot et al., 1996; Clevers, 2006). Wnt signaling begins with the binding of Wnt ligand towards the Frizzled receptors (Mohammed et al., 2016).
Canonical Wnt pathway consists of Wnt, GSK3beta and beta-catenin cascade (Clevers & Nusse, 2012; Hatsell, Rowlands, Hiremath, & Cowin, 2003).
How It Is Measured or Detected
- Secretion of WNT requires a number of other dedicated factors including the sortin receptor Wntless (WLS), which binds to Wnt and escorts it to the cell surface (Banziger et al., 2006; Ching & Nusse, 2006)
- Wnt signaling is activated by the gene mutations of the signaling components (Ziv et al., 2017).
- Wnt1, Wnt3a and Wnt5a protein expression are measured by immunoblotting using antibodies for Wnt1, Wnt3a and Wnt5a, respectively (J. Du et al., 2016; B. Wang et al., 2017).
- WNT2, of which expression is detected by quantitative PCR, immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry, induces EMT (Zhou et al., 2016).
- Wnt2B (Wnt13) mediates mesenchymal-epithelial-transition (MET) in vitro (Homo sapiens)(Schwab et al., 2018).
Domain of Applicability
- The up-regulation of WNT ligand expression occurs in Homo sapiens (B. Wang et al., 2017).
- The Wnt genes play an important roles in the secretion from cells, glycosylation and tight association with the cell surface and extracellular matrix in Drosophila melanogaster (Willert & Nusse, 2012).
- Wnt5a expression leads to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer in Homo sapiens (B. Wang et al., 2017).
- WNT2 expression lead to EMT induction in Homo sapiens (Zhou et al., 2016).
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