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Event: 2091
Key Event Title
Occurrence, Bone Loss
Short name
Biological Context
Level of Biological Organization |
Organ |
Organ term
Key Event Components
Process | Object | Action |
decreased trabecular bone volume | occurrence | |
decreased bone mineral density | occurrence |
Key Event Overview
AOPs Including This Key Event
AOP Name | Role of event in AOP | Point of Contact | Author Status | OECD Status |
Deposition of energy leading to bone loss | AdverseOutcome | Vinita Chauhan (send email) | Open for citation & comment | Under Review |
Taxonomic Applicability
Life Stages
Life stage | Evidence |
All life stages | Low |
Sex Applicability
Term | Evidence |
Unspecific | Moderate |
Key Event Description
Bone loss describes the reduction in bone mass or density, which can be caused by various processes and is a characteristic of osteopenia, and osteoporosis, and can lead to bone fracture. An imbalance between bone resorption and formation towards higher bone abrasion contributes to bone loss (Bikle and Halloran, 1999). A decline of bone mineralization and bone density over time or a significant deviation from established reference ranges are direct indicators of bone loss (Cummings, Bates, and Black, 2002). In addition, bone loss can lead to increased risk of bone fractures as bone loss interferes with overall bone integrity and its capacity to withstand mechanical load (Cummings, Bates, and Black, 2002).
How It Is Measured or Detected
Listed below are common methods for detecting the KE; however, there may be other comparable methods that are not listed
Measurement method |
Reference |
Description |
OECD Approved Assay |
X-ray and imaging options:
Carter, Bouxsein, and Marcus, 1992
Cummings, Bates, and Black, 2002
Russo, 2009
Rho, Ashman, and Turner, 1993 |
Bone mineral density (BMD) is a direct measurement of bone matrix composition. Less mineral dense bones indicate bone loss. |
No |
Measurement of bone minerals via staining methods:
All listed chemicals stain calcium. |
Kulak and Dempster, 2010
Wang et al., 2006 |
Less bone deposition and/or reduced mineral dense bones indicate bone loss. Comment: xylenol orange, calcein green, and tetracycline are calcium binding fluorescent dyes that are used to label new bone deposition. Von Kossa method is based on the binding of silver ions to anions (phosphates, sulphates, or carbonates) of calcium salts and the reduction of silver salts to form dark brown or black metallic silver staining. Unlike the non-specificity of von Kossa for calcium, alizarin red reacts with calcium cation to form a chelate. |
No |
Static bone histomorphometry of an intact iliac crest bone biopsy (2D and 3D Structural measurements):
Dempster et al., 2013 |
Static bone histomorphometry with structural measurements is the quantitative measure of bone structure at a fixed time point. Bone histomorphometry is most useful when interpreted in the context with other data such as structural analysis (CT, DEXA), serum markers of bone turnover etc. |
No |
Measurements of bone mechanical resistance:
Fonseca et al., 2013; Sharir, Barak, and Shahar, 2008; Walker et al., 2015; Turner, 2002 |
Measurements of bone mechanical resistance indicates changes in bone integrity possibly due to bone loss, as weaker bones are unable to withstand to as much mechanical force as healthy bones. Often measures Young’s modulus (E) which indicates the property of an object to stretch and deform and is defined as the ratio of applied stress to measured strain on an object. |
No |
Measurements of bone connectivity:
Odgaard and Gundersen, 1993 |
These mathematical models allow for the 3D reconstruction of connectivity in cancellous bone. Bone loss, as seen as a decrease in strength and bone stiffness, can result from a decrease in connective bone tissue. |
No |
Domain of Applicability
Taxonomic applicability: Bone loss is applicable to all vertebrates such as humans, mice and rats.
Life stage applicability: There is insufficient data on life stage applicability of this KE.
Sex applicability: According to a study of astronauts who spent 170 days living in the international space station, women demonstrated greater preservation of their musculoskeletal tissues during the mission compared to males, (33 men, 9 women) (Lang et al., 2017). However, other studies have indicated that the rates of regional and whole-body bone loss were similar in male and female astronauts (Lang et al., 2017).
Evidence for perturbation by a stressor: Multiple studies showed that many types of stressors including ionizing radiation and altered gravity (Bikle and Halloran, 1999; Donaubauer et al., 2020) can interfere with bone remodeling.
Regulatory Significance of the Adverse Outcome
Bikle, D. D., & B. P. Halloran (1999), “The response of bone to unloading”, Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Vol. 17, Nature,
Carter, D. R., M. L. Bouxsein, and R. Marcus. (1992), “New Approaches for Interpreting Projected Bone Densitometry Data”, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 7/2, Wiley,
Cummings, S. R., D. Bates, and D. M. Black (2002), “Clinical Use of Bone Densitometry: Scientific Review”, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 288/15,
Dempster, D. W., et al. (2013), “Standardized Nomenclature, Symbols, and Units for Bone Histomorphometry: A 2012 Update of the Report of the ASBMR Histomorphometry Nomenclature Committee”, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 28/1, Wiley,
Fonseca, H., et al. (2013), “Bone Quality: The Determinants of Bone Strength and Fragility”, Sports Medicine, Vol. 44/1, Nature,
Kulak, C. A. M and D. W. Dempster (2010), “Bone histomorphometry: a concise review for endocrinologists and clinicians”, Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, Vol. 54/2, Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, Sao Paulo,
Lang, T. et al. (2017), "Towards human exploration of space: The THESEUS review series on muscle and bone research priorities", npj Microgravity, Vol. 3/1, Nature,
Odgaard, A. and H. J. G. Gundersen (1993), “Quantification of connectivity in cancellous bone, with special emphasis on 3-D reconstructions”, Bone, Vol. 14, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Rho, J. Y., R. B. Ashman, and C. H. Turner (1993), “Young’s modulus of trabecular and cortical bone material: Ultrasonic and microtensile measurements”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 26/2, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Russo, C. R. (2009), “The effects of exercise on bone. Basic concepts and implications for the prevention of fractures”, Clinical Cases Mineral and Bone Metabolism, Vol. 6/3, pp. 223-228.
Sharir, A., M. M. Barak, and R. Shahar (2008), “Whole bone mechanics and mechanical testing”, The Veterinary Journal, Vol. 177/1, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Turner, C. H. (2002), “Biomechanics of Bone: Determinants of Skeletal Fragility and Bone Quality”, Osteoporosis International, Vol. 13, Nature,
Walker, A. H. et al. (2015), “Changes in Mechanical Properties of Rat Bones under Simulated Effects of Microgravity and Radiation” Physics Procedia, Vol. 66, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
Wang, Y. H., et al. (2006), “Examination of Mineralized Nodule Formation in Living Osteoblastic Cultures Using Fluorescent Dyes”, Biotechnology Progress, Vol. 22/6, Wiley,